
Understanding Adult ADHD

Feb 25, 2025
Understanding Adult ADHD
ADHD doesn’t just affect kids and teens — millions of adults are affected, too. Here, learn what symptoms ADHD causes in adults and how ketamine infusion therapy can help you manage them more successfully.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often associated with childhood and adolescence, but ADHD affects millions of adults, too. In fact, for many adults with ADHD, symptoms of inattention and difficulty focusing and concentrating can make it much harder to succeed at work and in social and family settings, too.

While medication and behavioral therapy can help reduce or relieve some ADHD symptoms, many adults struggle with finding a therapy that works for their unique needs. Understanding how ADHD affects adults is the first step in finding a therapy program that’s suitable and effective.

At Revival Infusion Madison, Sarah Wilczewski, CRNA, APNP, helps adult ADHD patients manage their symptoms with ketamine infusions focused on relieving many of the “side effects” associated with ADHD, including anxiety and depression. Here, learn more about the ways ADHD affects adults and how ketamine infusion can help reduce and relieve its effects.

Adult ADHD: Recognizing the symptoms

Adult ADHD is associated with the same symptoms as ADHD in childhood, including these four common symptoms.

Difficulty focusing

Focusing problems are a hallmark of ADHD in adults and children. For adults, difficulty concentrating can make completing tasks at work and on time challenging. 

Problems with concentration are prevalent, and tasks seem dull and uninteresting. Conversely, adults can become hyperfocused on topics and tasks that interest them, leading to daydreaming or spending too little time on responsibilities and deadlines.

Problems with organization

Being organized can be challenging for adults, too, once again posing problems at work. Even though you might understand the basic principles of organization, implementing them and sticking to an organized schedule isn’t easy.

Organizational difficulties can spill over into time management problems. Focusing on problems makes it harder to stay on task, making it easier to miss important deadlines. Organizational issues can also damage personal relationships, especially if time management issues cause chronic lateness or missed appointments or dates.


The “attention-deficit” part of ADHD can lead to memory problems, too, especially when it comes to dates or activities that don’t particularly spark your interest. “Brain fog” is common, too, leaving you feeling “muddled” and confused. 

Restlessness and agitation

Not everyone with ADHD has hyperactivity symptoms, but when they do occur, they can cause problems for adults, too. Hyperactivity can leave people feeling restless, impatient, and agitated, leading to frustration, irritability, and moodiness. Not surprisingly, these symptoms can damage relationships at work and at home.

How ketamine therapy can help

Although researchers don’t know what causes ADHD, they believe it’s probably due to a combination of factors that may include genetics, environmental exposures, nerve activity, and brain function and chemistry. Fortunately, researchers are continually expanding their understanding of ADHD, leading to better treatment approaches.

Like kids and teens, most adults benefit from a combination of medication and behavioral therapy focused on replacing unwanted behaviors with positive thoughts and actions. Both stimulant and non-stimulant medicines are available to help each patient get the best treatment for their needs.

Unfortunately, while these treatments can help, they don’t always provide the relief a patient wants or needs to lead a happy, healthy, productive life. That's when ketamine therapy can help.

When administered for ADHD, ketamine improves neural communication and reorganizes key neural pathways, supporting more organized thought patterns and helping you manage the impulsive, inattentive symptoms of ADHD. That reorganization also helps improve focus and reduce “muddled” thought patterns. 

Ketamine therapy also targets glutamate, a brain chemical that plays a major role in helping you manage mood and behavior. This feature helps dispel those feelings of depression and anxiety that often go hand-in-hand with ADHD.

Learn more about ketamine for ADHD

One of the best things about ketamine is that therapy can be customized and repeated as needed to maintain its beneficial effects. To learn more about ketamine and how it can play a role in your ADHD management plan, book an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Revival Infusion Madison in Fitchburg, Wisconsin, today.